Friday, February 16, 2024



Mass Marketing is a one-size-fits-all approach adopted by companies to market their product to a large audience. It is a process of appealing to a large market rather than a targeted group. 

Years ago , mass marketing uses medium  like billboards, print media, television and radio advertising to reach out to million of customers worldwide was cost effective and increased brand awareness. It was a good strategy then but with the emergence of social media, high flow of information and technological advancement, we are now moving towards a world where customer's choice is key and marketing is customer oriented. Customer prefer a more personalized approach, it makes them feel important. Hence, mass marketing was great but fail to live up to the demands and the transition of people from conventional to new means of marketing.

Large companies like Coca-Cola and Colgate with products of high consumers necessities still adopt this method of marketing because they are sure of high demand from the consumers end. Small company may not want to risk it because their product may not be fully accepted. On the other hand some companies like Samsung uses both strategies, holding the old while welcoming the new.

In conclusion, the answer to the question is No, mass marketing isn’t dead, but it’s no longer enough, does not support all types of business and does not have a bright future. It’s important to adopt to today’s realities and to keep on evolving ones self to change with the current times.

ReferencesIlias Avgeropoulos(2004) Marketing Planning power point  , Kotler (2000) Marketing Management, James Durkin(2022) Good and Bad Marketing .

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